Monday, February 28, 2011

*These Are a Few of my Favorite Things*

To start out this week, I decided to post some absolutely BEAUTIFUL DIY projects that I'm planning on trying.  I'm so excited to start making pretty things!!! Ahhh, summer cannot come fast enough =]

1. I love this handmade lamp shade, and I so want it for my own room:

2. This pretty little pillow:

3. These cute camera cases!! (My camera couldn't fit, but it'd make a cute clutch):

4. This cute DIY idea is perfect for decorating a room or for a party:

5. This lovely lady makes her own pretty dresses using only tank tops and fabric, and the actual creation of the dress is simple too:

6. This gorgeous little necklace makes me squeal with glee:

7. This headband. I swear I'd probably wear this 24/7:

Like I said before, I can't wait til summer comes so I can try all these fabulous new projects! Looks like I need to get to work ;)

Kayla xoxo