Saturday, March 19, 2011

School Projects


I apologize; I know it has been quite awhile since I've posted anything, but I am currently in the middle of midterms projects, so I fell off the face of the earth momentarily, but I've decided to share some of my assignments, ideas, and works in progress with you!

For my Typography class, we have to make a type poster advertising a particular type face that was given to us; mine was Clarendon. Clarendon was created in 1953, and is considered very bold and contemporary, yet timeless and versatile, which I think embodies the spirit of 1950's. Currently we're in the "mock up stage" and we had to create 3 rough concepts that are close to finished. So far, I have two ideas:
My Typographic solution; more contemporary and bold.

My inspiration was vintage clothing ads for men, since my font is more masculine looking. My other rough will be more like this one too..very vintage, nostalgic photos, old-hollywood glamour :) (No color yet; keeping it in grayscale for now.)

Let me know what you think! Any comments/suggestions would be great :)

I'll be sure to keep up with the blog from now on, especially now since I have so many fun projects to share in these coming weeks :)

That's all for now!!


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