Monday, April 25, 2011

Inspiration Comes in Many Forms

Things that Inspire Me:

Storybook beds (I want to sleep in one, they seem to be filled with sweet dreams!!)

Delicate floral crowns
Indian headdresses

this fabulous earpiece

Beautiful tattoos

Fun makeup

Fishtail braids
The gorgeous work of Su Blackwell

Michael Parke's Surreal Creations

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vint Age Magazine

For one of my classes, I had to create a magazine, then design its nameplate, cover, a spread, and a jump page for the magazine. I decided to make my magazine all about vintage living, and my article was about vintage fashion. Here are my rough ideas:


1st page

2nd page

3rd page

I have been so inspired with this project, so I'm so glad it started to all pull together =] If you have any thoughts or ideas on how I can make my project better, just message me!!

Have a good night!!
Love, Kayla

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Wear My Heart on my Knees

Remember the DIY tights I posted a while back for Valentine's day? Well, I finally made them, and wore them =] They made me feel oh-so-cute =] Here are some pics!!

So much fun!!

What I Wore:

Dress: H&M
Shirt: Forever21
Sunglasses: Gifted
Belt: Goodwill
Tights: DIY project, but I think I got the red tights from Boscov's.
Boots: Urban Outfitters

Hope you all have a lovely day!!

Restaurant Project!!

So, as promised, pictures of the menu I created for my restaurant project for school. My restaurant concept was a fairytale, storybook themed I wanted my menu to portray that idea. Instead of looking like a menu..I wanted it to feel like an invitation to a fairytale feast, so that people would feel like they're entering into the actually fairytale story with my menu...I knew straight from the start I wanted to make a pop-up menu, so I designed my own menu template on Illustrator, and Voila!!!

My menu opened up, revealing the pop-up castle, as well as all the yummy dishes I named after fairytale characters :)

My menu as it would be first tied in the back with a ribbon, to help keep the pop-up flat until opened =] (sorry about the flash)

Hope you enjoyed looking at my projects; more will be on the way soon!! 

Much Love,
Kayla xoxo 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Fell Off the Face of the Earth...(again)

So, I realize that it's been awhile since I posted, and I said that last time..I apologize for that..sometimes, it can be really challenging being a college student, but I love it so much...sometimes, I loathe being in college, but mostly I  just love being able to express myself and be creative 24/7..I go to sleep thinking about projects, dream about projects, and wake up thinking what projects will I do today? Haha =] Speaking of projects, here are a few of the ones I promised from last time:

One type poster

Second type poster

Take out box for fairytale-themed restaurant; designed to look/open like a storybook =]

Take out box opened

Painting of Venice, Italy I created.

I have more to show you; I just haven't edited the pics yet; hopefully by tomorrow I'll have them up.

Currently, I have MORE projects in the works now! One of my finals it to create a Magazine, and design the nameplate, cover, and the feature spread...I've decided for my magazine to be about vintage living; DIY home projects, vintage shopping and fashion ideas, eco-friendly, etc. I am so excited for that!! If you have any ideas of articles, resources, etc. just leave a comment..any help would be greatly appreciated =] Another project I'm finishing is a colored pencil painting based from the poem called "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein: 

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends. 

I'm so excited about this project =] I'm going to wait until I finish the painting to post it here.

Anyways, I apologize for being so long, but I'm always glad to share my projects and ideas and adventures here =]

Sweet dreams, world!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

School Projects


I apologize; I know it has been quite awhile since I've posted anything, but I am currently in the middle of midterms projects, so I fell off the face of the earth momentarily, but I've decided to share some of my assignments, ideas, and works in progress with you!

For my Typography class, we have to make a type poster advertising a particular type face that was given to us; mine was Clarendon. Clarendon was created in 1953, and is considered very bold and contemporary, yet timeless and versatile, which I think embodies the spirit of 1950's. Currently we're in the "mock up stage" and we had to create 3 rough concepts that are close to finished. So far, I have two ideas:
My Typographic solution; more contemporary and bold.

My inspiration was vintage clothing ads for men, since my font is more masculine looking. My other rough will be more like this one too..very vintage, nostalgic photos, old-hollywood glamour :) (No color yet; keeping it in grayscale for now.)

Let me know what you think! Any comments/suggestions would be great :)

I'll be sure to keep up with the blog from now on, especially now since I have so many fun projects to share in these coming weeks :)

That's all for now!!


Monday, February 28, 2011

*These Are a Few of my Favorite Things*

To start out this week, I decided to post some absolutely BEAUTIFUL DIY projects that I'm planning on trying.  I'm so excited to start making pretty things!!! Ahhh, summer cannot come fast enough =]

1. I love this handmade lamp shade, and I so want it for my own room:

2. This pretty little pillow:

3. These cute camera cases!! (My camera couldn't fit, but it'd make a cute clutch):

4. This cute DIY idea is perfect for decorating a room or for a party:

5. This lovely lady makes her own pretty dresses using only tank tops and fabric, and the actual creation of the dress is simple too:

6. This gorgeous little necklace makes me squeal with glee:

7. This headband. I swear I'd probably wear this 24/7:

Like I said before, I can't wait til summer comes so I can try all these fabulous new projects! Looks like I need to get to work ;)

Kayla xoxo