Thursday, April 7, 2011

Restaurant Project!!

So, as promised, pictures of the menu I created for my restaurant project for school. My restaurant concept was a fairytale, storybook themed I wanted my menu to portray that idea. Instead of looking like a menu..I wanted it to feel like an invitation to a fairytale feast, so that people would feel like they're entering into the actually fairytale story with my menu...I knew straight from the start I wanted to make a pop-up menu, so I designed my own menu template on Illustrator, and Voila!!!

My menu opened up, revealing the pop-up castle, as well as all the yummy dishes I named after fairytale characters :)

My menu as it would be first tied in the back with a ribbon, to help keep the pop-up flat until opened =] (sorry about the flash)

Hope you enjoyed looking at my projects; more will be on the way soon!! 

Much Love,
Kayla xoxo 

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