Monday, February 28, 2011

*These Are a Few of my Favorite Things*

To start out this week, I decided to post some absolutely BEAUTIFUL DIY projects that I'm planning on trying.  I'm so excited to start making pretty things!!! Ahhh, summer cannot come fast enough =]

1. I love this handmade lamp shade, and I so want it for my own room:

2. This pretty little pillow:

3. These cute camera cases!! (My camera couldn't fit, but it'd make a cute clutch):

4. This cute DIY idea is perfect for decorating a room or for a party:

5. This lovely lady makes her own pretty dresses using only tank tops and fabric, and the actual creation of the dress is simple too:

6. This gorgeous little necklace makes me squeal with glee:

7. This headband. I swear I'd probably wear this 24/7:

Like I said before, I can't wait til summer comes so I can try all these fabulous new projects! Looks like I need to get to work ;)

Kayla xoxo

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The past few days I have been rather sick, so I couldn't find any time for a blog post.

So today I'm talking about something quite exciting: I'm going to Italy this summer!! I'm going through my school, and I am sooo incredibly psyched, because I've always wanted to travel, but I've never been out of the country. Finally, I'm going to take on one of the places I've wanted to visit most: Italy!!

I've decided to begin making some pre-Italy trip blog posts, in addition to when I am actually there.

While I was sick, I came up with a list of essentials I'll be needing for my trip ( a travel wish list, if you will) Here goes!

1. A blank journal. No lines, no words. I just want a blank sketchbook so then I can sketch some of the lovely things I see in Italy during my visit. I found this incredibly gorgeous journal at Anthropologie:

2. A knapsack. When I go sightseeing, I don't want to have to lug around my ginormous camera bag and purse. It'd be so much more convenient (and enjoyable) to have a stylish-looking backpack to carry all my necessary paraphernalia. I found this cute canvas one at Urban Outfitters:

3. An Italian-to-English and English-to Italian-dictionary. I think this one looks pretty handy (Borders bookstore):

4. Sunglasses. Since I'll be going in the summer, the sun will be out =] I have a bit of an obsession with Urban Outfitters; I found this pair on their site:

5. Cute, summery dresses. Once again, it'll be summer there, and I plan on taking full advantage of this opportunity ;) Anthropologie has a perfectly lovely selection of dresses, hopefully by then I might be able to buy one in time to wear on my trip!

Eeek!! Just looking at these lovely things make me so very excited!!

Kayla xoxo

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Un Tour de Manege

This beautiful video is so whimsical and lovely!! So I thought I'd share   =]

Hope you have a lovely day =]

Love, Kayla

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day

So, I had the most lovely Valentine's day ever, thanks to my own special Valentine, David =]

We had originally planned to celebrate "our" Valentine's day the day after Valentine's day, since I had school, and he had work. But then!

He surprise visited me after his work, with flowers and chocolate in hand =]

Anyways, we had a lovely Valentines day filled with pink and red cards filled with love and hugs and kisses, roses, strawberries and chocolate fondue, and a whole lot of kissing ;)

My Lovely Roses =]

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's day, even if it is a little late ;)

Much love,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Projects That I Want to Try...

I like to peruse the internet a lot and find inspiration for projects that I'm doing or want to complete; here are a few ideas that I came across over the internet:

These incredible butterfly creations were made by Paul Villinki

What's truly amazing is that he creates the butterflies out of beer cans!!

And these toilet roll paper cutouts were designed by Anastassia Elias:

This lovely woman is quite talented, and I love that she chose a toilet paper roll to house her beautiful creations. (The zoo one is a personal favorite =])

That's all I have for now!
Have a lovely weekend =]


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pre-Valentines Day

Seeing as Valentine's Day is in only 2 days, I have much preparing to do, but I decided to share some lovely ideas =]

I absolutely love this DIY idea that Modcloth posted!

I plan on trying it soon in time for THIS valentine's day =]

When I was younger, I would make handmade valentines to give to my family and closest friends, and they were always so pretty and fun to make! So this year, I decided to make some again:

I used paint,

I stenciled (using doilies!),



And then I made one for my valentine, David =]
It's the biggest, mushiest valentine ever!! =]

What are you planning on doing for Valentine's Day?

Much love, 
Kayla xoxo

Friday, February 11, 2011


So, I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, but kept putting it off...until now! Yes, I have finally joined the blogging world, and I can't wait to start posting. I've decided that I would like to use this blog to document the things that inspire me, the projects I am doing/will be creating, and basically just give you a little peek into my world =]

Because this is my first post, I'd like to reveal a little more about myself, so here are five things that I am currently in love with =] :

1. This darling paper doll book I got for Christmas! I love it so much, I bought two copies: one to keep as a book, and then the other one I actually cut out the paper dolls to play with =]
 The book was created by the fabulous Emily Winfield Martin! (Click on the link to view her Etsy profile; she has some very wonderfully whimsical things there!)

2. Hot air balloons. I don't know why, but I absolutely love them! They just looks so whimsical and pretty!

3. This breathtaking illustration: 
I am so in love with the beautiful work of Jeannette Woitzik! She is extremely talented, and her work is simply gorgeous. 

4. This video is honestly too cute for words =]:

5. And this incredibly gorgeous necklace from Anthropologie:

Well, that's all I have for today, folks =] Sweet dreams!

Love, Kayla